WASHLET C5 and Aquia IV Cube WASHLET+ C5

CLEANOVATION, which combines the words “clean” and “innovation,” enables TOTO to articulate its commitment to the kind of refreshing cleanliness that promotes peace of mind, beauty, and wellness through its technological innovations that enrich people’s New Normal Way of Life as they protect the planet.

The WASHLET C5 uses pure, clean water – and myriad technological innovations – to make its users feel cleaner and more refreshed than ever before.

The Aquia IV Cube WASHLET+ C5 seamlessly connects a TOTO toilet and WASHLET+ unit, providing CLEAN SYNERGY, three advanced cleaning technologies that keep the toilet bowl fresh and clean at all times.

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Hashtags: #WASHLET #bidet #bidetseat #toilettech #TOTOWASHLET #innovative

*Content Provided by TOTO.

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